30 October 2020

Central Bank to continue programme of regular foreign currency sales

From Monday 2 November through the end of the month, the Central Bank of Iceland will sell 3 million euros per day to market makers in the interbank market for foreign exchange, for a total of 63 million euros during the month. The transactions will take place soon after the market opens in the morning, and no later than 10:00 hrs. They will be conducted in accordance with Press Release no. 30/2020, issued on 9 September 2020.

27 October 2020

Minutes of the Financial Stability Committee meeting in September 2020

The minutes of the Central Bank of Iceland Financial Stability Committee’s (FSN) meeting of 21-22 September 2020 have now been published.

23 October 2020

Information on the status of NOVIS

The Financial Supervisory Authority of the Central Bank of Iceland (FSA Iceland) makes reference to press release dated 18 and 30 September 2020, announcing a temporary ban on new sales of unit-linked insurance contracts. The ban was imposed by Národná banka Slovenska (National Bank of Slovakia, NBS) on products from NOVIS Insurance Company, NOVIS Versicherungsgesellschaft, NOVIS Compagnia di Assicurazioni, and NOVIS Poisťovňa a.s. (referred to as NOVIS).

21 October 2020

Minutes of the Monetary Policy Committee meeting of 5 and 6 October 2020

In accordance with the Monetary Policy Committee Rules of Procedure, the minutes of the Committee's most recent meeting have been published on the Bank's website.

19 October 2020

New interbank payment system launched at the end of the week

A new interbank payment system will be brought into use in Iceland on the evening of Friday 23 October. A large share of the financial transfers undertaken by individuals and companies in Iceland — i.e., debit card transactions and regular transfers of funds — are routed through the system, which services banks and financial institutions. The system, which is owned by the Central Bank of Iceland, will take over the role of both the Central Bank’s real-time gross settlement system and the Greiðsluveitan netting system, also owned by the Bank.
