Minutes of the Monetary Policy Committee meeting of 7-8 February 2022
In accordance with the Monetary Policy Committee Rules of Procedure, the minutes of the Committee's most recent meeting have been published on the Bank's website. The minutes are published two weeks after the announcement of the Committee‘s decision.

Further information about NBS’ decision on violations by NOVIS
The Central Bank of Iceland Financial Supervisory Authority (FSA Iceland) makes reference to previous press releases concerning the National Bank of Slovakia’s (Národná banka Slovenska, NBS) decisions on NOVIS Versicherungsgesellschaft, NOVIS Compagnia di Assicurazioni, NOVIS Poisťovňa a.s. (NOVIS), most recently the press release dated 26 January 2022, concerning NBS’s 14 January 2022 decision on violations by NOVIS.

February Monetary Bulletin 2022
The February issue of Monetary Bulletin has been published on the Central Bank of Iceland website. The report, which is issued quarterly, contains the Bank’s analysis of the economic and monetary outlook. Both the analysis and the forecast published in Monetary Bulletin play an important role in monetary policy formulation in Iceland. The report is also issued in Icelandic under the title Peningamál.

Statement of the Monetary Policy Committee 9 February 2022
The Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) of the Central Bank of Iceland has decided to raise the Bank’s interest rates by 0.75 percentage points. The Bank’s key interest rate – the rate on seven-day term deposits – will therefore be 2.75%.

Monetary Policy Committee statement, Monetary Bulletin and webcast
The statement of the Central Bank Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) and Monetary Bulletin has been published on the Bank's website. Beginning an hour later, at 09:30 hrs., will be a webcast presentation, where Ásgeir Jónsson, Governor and Chair of the MPC; Rannveig Sigurðardóttir, Deputy Governor for Monetary Policy and Vice-Chair of MPC; and Thorarinn G. Petursson, Chief Economist of the Central Bank, will explain the statement and the rationale behind the Committee's decision, and introduce the contents of Monetary Bulletin.