The recovery of the Icelandic economy
The recovery of the Icelandic economy
Svein Harald Öygard, Governor of the Central Bank of Iceland, wrote an article that appeared in the Icelandic newspaper, Morgunbladid, on April 1, 2009. In that article, Svein Harald describes his view on the recovery of the Icelandic economy after the difficulties it has dealt with recently. The article has now been published in English translation.
In addition, Svein writes about four elements that he sees as critical to laying the foundation for recovery.
Svein Harald Öygard: The recovery of the Icelandic economy (.pdf)
A translation of an article published in Morgunbladid on April 1, 2009
("Endurreisn íslensk efnahagslífs")
A chart that describes four critical elements to laying the foundation for recovery:
Vision for the journey ahead (.pdf)SHÖ0409