Each year, the Central Bank collects data on fees charged for payment services and for the use of Iceland‘s main payment instruments. Every two to three years, the Bank also assesses the social costs of retail payments. The goals of data collection are to shed light on the costs of using various payment instruments and payment services and to assess whether a particular payment instrument or payment service is more cost-effective than others for society. The results are published in the Bank‘s Cost of Retail Payments report. In 2016 and 2018, the Bank assessed the social cost of payment processing and published the results in its Financial Infrastructure reports, whose publication has since been discontinued.
The Sustainability Report discloses sustainability information regarding the bank's operations as well as reporting on how the bank incorporates climate issues and sustainability into its core operations. It also details how the bank communicates information and supports the implementation of sustainability for its supervised entities.
Balance of Payments
The Central Bank‘s Balance of Payments report discusses Iceland‘s balance of payments with other countries, capital movements to and from the country, the external position of the domestic economy, and risk factors in the aftermath of the pandemic. A balance of payments scenario for 2023 and 2024 is then drawn up to shed light on the most likely developments in the balance of payments and assess the resilience of the domestic economy to external shocks.
Financial Supervision
In its annual Financial Supervision report, the Central Bank explains how it carries out its legally mandated tasks in the field of financial supervision. It also provides information to supervised entities concerning key priorities in the current project timetable.
Financial Supervision is also published in Icelandic under the title Fjármálaeftirlit.
Informational reports
As the occasion arises, the Central Bank releases additional reports and special publications on topics related to its operations. Under the category Informational Reports are miscellaneous documents containing information on the Bank’s activities.
Special Publications
As the occasion arises, the Central Bank releases additional reports and special publications on topics related to its operations. Under the category Special Publications are reports and other in-depth reports.
Working Papers
The Bank publishes a series of research papers under the title Working Papers.
Economic Indicators
The Central Bank of Iceland publishes a quarterly summary of economic developments, collections of economic indicators, and an overview of the state of the financial system in its interactive Economic Indicators report.
The Bank’s semi-annual Financial Stability report presents an overview of the position of the financial system, its strengths and potential weaknesses, and the macroeconomic and operational risks it may face. In addition, it explains how the Central Bank carries out the tasks necessary for the operation of a sound and effective financial system. Financial Stability is also published in Icelandic under the title Fjármálastöðugleiki.
Economy of Iceland
Economy of Iceland is a triennial booklet that has been issued by the Bank since 1987. It is intended mainly for an international readership. This includes international institutions that deal with Icelandic economic matters on a regular basis, rating agencies, financial institutions, foreign investors, embassies and diplomatic missions and, more generally, anyone who is interested in general information about the Icelandic economy.
Economic Affairs
The individual authors’ papers previously included in each issue of Monetary Bulletin are now issued in a separate web-based publication entitled Economic Affairs. The papers are issued in Icelandic as part of the series Efnahagsmál. Articles published in Economic Affairs are compiled in a printed anthology at the end of each calendar year.
Annual Report
The Central Bank’s Annual Report is usually published each March or April. The Annual Report contains a summary of various aspects of economic affairs, particularly those falling under the Bank’s purview. It also summarises the Bank’s activities. The Annual Report is published in both Icelandic and English. In order to view PDF documents, you need Acrobat Reader.
Monetary Bulletin
Monetary Bulletin is published four times a year. In early May and early November, it contains an inflation and macroeconomic forecast, together with an in-depth analysis of economic and monetary developments and prospects. The February and August issues include updated inflation and macroeconomic forecasts and an abbreviated report on economic and monetary developments and outlook. Monetary Bulletin is also issued in Icelandic under the title Peningamál.