02 September 2021
Current account deficit 31.1 b.kr. in Q2/2021 – net IIP positive by 36.6% of GDP

Iceland’s current account showed a deficit of 31.1 b.kr. in Q2/2021. This represents a deterioration of 8.3 b.kr. relative to the previous quarter and 24.8 b.kr. relative to Q2/2020. The deficit on goods trade totalled 55.7 b.kr., while the surplus on services trade totalled 25.2 b.kr. At the end of the quarter, the net international investment position was positive by 1,120 b.kr., or 36.6% of GDP, and improved by 79 b.kr., or 2.6% of GDP, during the quarter.
See here press release no 21/2021: Current account deficit 31.1 b.kr. in Q2/2021 – net IIP positive by 36.6% of GDP