01 June 2021
Current account deficit 27.1 b.kr. in Q1/2021 – net IIP positive by 36,2% of GDP

The current account showed a deficit of 27.1 b.kr. in Q1/2021. That represents a deterioration of 50.4 b.kr from the preceding quarter and of 38.8 b.kr. from to the same quarter of 2020. The deficit on goods trade totalled 21.9 b.kr., and the deficit on services trade totalled 10.9 b.kr. There was a 12.8 b.kr. surplus on primary income and a 7.1 b.kr. deficit on secondary income.
See here the press release no. 15/2021 with tables:
Current account deficit 27.1 b.kr. in Q1/2021 – net IIP positive by 36,2% of GDP