19 May 2021

Webcast, MPC statement, interest rate decision and Monetary Bulletin

A statement of the Central Bank of Iceland's Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) and the Committee's interest rate decision was published at 08:30 hrs. today on the Central Bank website. A few minutes later, at 08:35 hrs, the Bank's quarterly Monetary Bulletin was published. Beginning at 9:30 hrs. a webcast starts where Bank officials present the interest rate decision, the MPC statement, and the contents of the Monetary Bulletin.

The presentation will be given by Ásgeir Jónsson, Governor of the Central Bank and Chair of the Monetary Policy Committee; Rannveig Sigurðardóttir, Deputy Governor and the Deputy Chair of the Monetary Policy Committee; and Thórarinn G. Pétursson, Chief Economist of the Central Bank and Director of the Economics and Monetary Policy Department.

The webcast will be available here: Presentation of the 19 May 2021 interest rate decision, Monetary Policy Committee statement, and Monetary Bulletin.
