Minutes of the Monetary Policy Committee meeting of 2 April 2020 and updated crisis scenarios

In accordance with the Monetary Policy Committee Rules of Procedure, the minutes of the Committee's most recent meeting have been published on the Bank's website. Accordingly, we have now published the minutes from the extraordinary meeting of 2 April 2020, during which the Committee discussed economic and financial market developments and decisions on the application of the Bank’s monetary policy instruments. Also included is a presentation of the updated crisis scenarios discussed by the Committee during the meeting.
The minutes can be found here: Minutes of the Central Bank of Iceland Monetary Policy Committee Extraordinary meeting in April (94th meeting), published 22 April 2020.
See also: Updated crisis scenarios (In Icelandic). MPC meeting 2. April 2020. Thórarinn G. Pétursson, Chief Economist, Central Bank of Iceland.