04 March 2019
Current account surplus 300 m.kr. in Q4/2018 – net IIP positive by 276 b.kr.

The current account surplus measured just under 300 m.kr. in Q4/2018. There was a deficit on goods trade in the amount of 37 b.kr and a 33.4 b.kr. surplus on services trade, as well as a 10.1 b.kr. surplus on primary income and a 6.3 b.kr. deficit on secondary income.
According to the preliminary figures, foreign assets totalled 3,386 b.kr. at the end of the quarter, while foreign liabilities totalled 3,110 b.kr. The net external position was therefore positive by 276 b.kr., or 9.9% of GDP, and deteriorated by 77 b.kr., or 2.8% of GDP, during the quarter.
See the press release with tables. Press release no. 5/2019, 4 March, 2019.