10 December 2019

Deputy Governor's introductory remarks at the conference Third Annual Cyber in Finance

Rannveig Sigurðardóttir
Deputy Governor Rannveig Sigurdardóttir participated in an annual conference of the Nordic central banks – Cyber in Finance – hosted by Sveriges Riksbank in Stockholm on 28 November.

The Deputy Governor participated in a panel discussion on Cyber Risk Governance and discussed the importance of sound organisational and governance practices in the battle against cyberattacks. In her introductory remarks for the panel, she emphasised the importance of ensuring that a proper cyber-resilience framework be available within financial market institutions, particularly in light of how difficult cyberattacks are to foresee, including a strategy aimed at containing such attacks and preventing them from escalating to a systemic level.

The Deputy Governor's introductory remarks can be found here: Third Annual Nordic Cyber in Finance Conference - Deputy Governor´s introductory remarks