Economic and monetary development and Prospects

Economic and monetary developments and prospects

Archive of articles published in Monetary Bulletin since 1999:

 Volume No. Publishing month

Economic and monetary developments and prospects

2019/4  78 November 2019 Monetary Bulletin 2019/4
2019/3  77 August 2019 Monetary Bulletin 2019/3
2019/2  76  May 2019  Monetary Bulletin 2019/2 
2019/1  75 February 2019 Monetary Bulletin 2019/1
 74 November 2018  Monetary Bulletin 2018/4
2018/3   73   August 2018  Monetary Bulletin 2018/3
2018/2  72    May 2018     Monetary Bulletin 2018/2
2018/1  71 February 2018  Monetary Bulletin 2018/1
 70 November 2017     Faster adjustment of GDP growth to its long-term trend rate
2017/3  69 August 2017
GDP growth to ease but remain robust
2017/2  68 May 2017
GDP growth strong, and the output gap widens despite rapid growth in potential output
2017/1  67 February 2017 Strong GDP growth and rising exchange rate in 2016 driven by exports and terms of trade
2016/4  66 November 2016   Inflation expected to remain at target throughout the forecast horizon
2016/3  65 August 2016 Inflation outlook improves despite growing macroeconomic imbalances
2016/2  64    May 2016  Clearer signs of growing tension in the economy, but inflation remains below target
2016/1  63    February 2016 Inflation still below target, but growing economic imbalances
2015/4  62 November 2015 Growing risk of overheating in the domestic economy
2015/3   61 August 2015 Inflation outlook deteriorates in the wake of wage settlements
2015/2  60    May 2015 Strong domestic demand growth and unrest in the labour market
2015/1   59 February 2015  Changed inflation outlook due to steep drop in oil prices 
2014/4  58 November 2014 Economic recovery slows in Iceland and abroad, and inflation subsides
2014/3  57 August 2014 Inflation set to remain near target
2014/2  56 May 2014  Output growth accelerates and spare capacity gives way to a positive output gap
2014/1  55 February 2014  Inflation outlook improving short-term but compromised by growing output gap in the long run 
2013/4  54 November 2013 GDP growth outlook stronger for 2013 but broadly unchanged for the forecast horizon as a whole 
 2013/3  53 August 2013 Recent labour market recovery stronger than expected, but outlook for weaker GDP growth than in May 
 2013/2  52 May 2013 Economic recovery continues despite poorer GDP growth outlook 
 2013/1  51 February 2013  Domestic recovery loses pace 
 2012/4  50 November 2012 Output growth outlook weaker this year but broadly unchanged for the forecast horizon as a whole 
 2012/3  49 August 2012  Inflation outlook improves with stronger króna 
 2012/2  48 May 2012 The inflation outlook has deteriorated
 2012/1  47 February 2012  Continued recovery despite weaker global outlook
 2011/4  46  November 2011 Domestic recovery in times of global uncertainty
 2011/3  45 August 2011 Real economy more robust, but inflation outlook deteriorates 
 2011/2  44 April 2011  Weaker outlook and greater uncertainty 
 2010/4  42 November 2010  Inflation at target by year-end 
 2010/2  40 May 2010  Outlook for gradual recovery beginning in late 2010 
 2009/4  38 November 2009 Slightly improved economic outlook
 2009/2  36 May 2009  Exchange rate stability critical while private sector balance sheets recover 
 2008/3  34 November 2008  Financial crisis causes sharp contraction and high inflation 
 2008/2  33 July 2008  Higher inflation and lower output growth
 2008/1  32 April 2008 Marked deterioration in inflation outlook
 2007/3  31 November 2007  Domestic demand stronger than previously forecast, but financial conditions have deteriorated
 2007/2  30 July 2007 Slow disinflation process will delay policy rate cuts
 2007/1  29 March 2007 Extensive adjustment ahead
 2006/3  28 November 2006 Improved inflation outlook but risk of more unfavourable developments



July 2006

The inflation outlook deteriorates due to depreciation of the króna and rising wage costs
 2006/1  26 March 2006 Substantially worse inflation outlook if policy rate is kept unchanged
 2005/4  25 December 2005 Slight improvement in inflation outlook due to the appreciation of the króna and higher interest rates, but major imbalances are still present
 2005/3  24 September 2005 Inflation outlook still unacceptable
 2005/2  23 June 2005 Inflation outlook has deteriorated two years ahead
 2005/1  22 March 2005 Improved inflation outlook if the króna stays strong
 2004/4  21 December 2004 Inflation outlook over the next two years has taken a turn for the worse
 2004/3  20 September 2004 Inflation outlook similar to June forecast, but the risk of higher inflation in 2006 has increased
 2004/2  19 June 2004 Higher inflation over the next four quarters, but the outlook two years ahead is broadly unchanged
 2004/1  18 March 2004 Near-term inflationary pressures ease despite higher output growth, but inflation will exceed the target if monetary policy remains unchanged
 2003/4  17 November 2003 Output growth will pick up, creating a positive output gap by 2005
 2003/3  16 August 2003 The economic recovery has begun but inflation will be below the target for most of next year
 2003/2  15 May 2003 Demand picks up and inflation creeps up towards target
 2003/1  14 February 2003 Slack in the economy has increased and inflation will stay below the target in the near term despite proposed aluminium projects
 2002/4  13 November 2002 Inflation close to target and a growing slack in the economy in the absence of planned large investment projects in aluminium
 2002/3  12 August 2002 Inflation target is within reach
 2002/2  11 May 2002 The inflation outlook has improved, but the economic contraction seems to be deepening
 2002/1  10 February 2002 Improved prospects for stronger exchange rate
 2001/4  9 November 2001 Demand is contracting, inflation prospects broadly unchanged 
 2001/3  8 August 2001 Inflation will slow next year if wage increases are in line with current agreements
 2001/2  7 May 2001 Near-term inflation outlook worsens after exchange rate slide
 2001/1  6 February 2001 Outlook on inflation unchanged in 2001 despite weaker króna
 2000/4  5 November 2000 Slowdown in inflation requires tight stance
 2000/3  4 August 2000 Outlook for slower reduction in inflation than forecast this spring
 2000/2  3 May 2000 Wage agreements are compatible with lower inflation, but an excessive current account deficit poses a long-term threat to exchange rate stability
 2000/1  2 February 2000 Higher inflation and current account deficit call for restrictive economic policies



November 1999

Overheating continues to be a risk to price stability